Day 6

Before You Post Each Day

Spend 10 minutes commenting on your friend’s posts and stories. Why? To build relationships, rekindle connections and create trust.

Post Type: Inspiration

How this post will benefit you

  • Connecting with your friends in a way that shows them that everyone has a fear of trying new things.


  • Choose a picture of yourself.
  • Copy the from below and add in your own life experience.
    • I have changed careers twice.
    • I started an online business.
    • As a family we moved from a different state.
  • Post it on your Facebook and/or Instagram Newsfeed.
  • OPTIONAL: Post it on your Facebook and/or Instagram Stories (ask Sponsor on how to make this a great story).


  • Use a picture of yourself or with family being adventurous. Example vacation, hiking, scuba diving, skiing, golfing, family reunion, beach days, camping ect.



What I have discovered is that whatever I tell myself is a choice. I am shaping my reality by how I frame it.

Over the last 5 years, I have accomplished things I never thought possible. We are far more capable than we realize.

I have changed ______

I started _______

As a family we ______

I achieve this by creating a list of truths. I am capable of overcoming challenges. I can learn new skills.

✨ There are always reasons to quit, and there are always reasons to persevere; I choose to nourish the one that leads me towards my goals. Drop a punch 👊 if you agree Fear is a LIAR!

How to Respond

What To Say On Your Post

  • Oh my goodness! I had no idea you were adventurous.
  • It takes courage to change your mindset.
  • Oh wow that’s awesome!

What To Say Via Private Message

  • Isn’t that true? Fear is a liar! Thank you for loving on my post! How are you? Any fun plans for the upcoming weekend?”

Pro Tip!

When the timing is right pivot to business.

  • Have you ever made money working online? I was scared to get started but I overcame my fears with the support of some great people! I watched a video last week and it got me excited. 🙂 Would love your thoughts on what I am doing now. Would you be open to take a look?

If you get stuck with the pivot, send

a screenshot to your sponsor for help.