Day 4

Before You Post Each Day

Spend 10 minutes commenting on your friend’s posts and stories. Why? To build relationships, rekindle connections and create trust.

Post Type: Inspiration

How this post will benefit you

  • Inspire others to try something new


  • Choose a picture of yourself.
  • Copy text from below .
  • Post it on your Facebook Newsfeed.
  • OPTIONAL: Post it on your Facebook and/or Instagram Stories (ask Sponsor on how to make this a great story).


  • Take a selfie of you that shows your personality and working behind the scenes. Examples: working on laptop, talking on cell phone or a happy smiling face.


🌟 It's totally fine to kick things off imperfectly.🌟

Learning as you go is absolutely okay. Once you take that first step, you'll naturally figure things out along the way. I’ve been introduced to an amazing community of people, they have pushed me and helped me stretch and grow, even in the first week!!

To top it off, this has pushed pushed me and to start my own health journey and get my confidence back!!

Stay tuned for more... it just keeps getting better!

How to Respond

What To Say On Your Post

  • I can’t wait to share with you! Let’s do this!!
  • This year is going to be epic!
  • I am excited!

What To Say Via Private Message

  • Hey, NAME!! Oh my gosh, thank you for commenting on my post. I am very excited to tell you about my new adventure! If I send you a short video about social retail, would you watch it? Let me know either way! I bet you will love it.

Pro Tip!

When the timing is right pivot to business.

  • Don’t hesitate to ask the business opportunity question. It is the best way to grow your business. Somebody else might be looking for an opportunity and if you don’t ask the question, you will never know. You got this!