Day 25

Before You Post Each Day

Spend 10 minutes commenting on your friend’s posts and stories. Why? To build relationships, rekindle connections and create trust.

Post Type: Inspiration

How this post will benefit you

  • You can show your friends a little love by returning what they say about you and start a conversation.


  • Choose a picture of yourself.
  • Copy text from below.
  • Post it on your Facebook and/or Instagram Newsfeed.
  • OPTIONAL: Post it on your Facebook and/or Instagram Stories (ask Sponsor on how to make this a great story).


  • Post one of your favorite pictures of yourself or with your pet.


😘 Note to Self

Remember what you give is what you receive.

Taking the time to write a simple message just to see how someone is doing can make all the difference in the world.

When you think of me, what’s the one thing that’s comes to your mind? 💡 I promise to brighten your day in return.

How to Respond

What To Say On Your Post

  • Thank you for your kind words 🥰 Check your messages
  • You are so kind! I just messaged you.
  • I am grateful for you. 💖 Check your inbox.

What To Say Via Private Message

  • You are so kind and totally made my day. I want you to know this is what I think about you _______________. How is your day?

Pro Tip!

In your private messages, sometime you just send appreciation to your friends.


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